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Android OpenVPN Setup

Android OpenVPN setup

Using CoverMeVPN, you can setup an Android OpenVPN on your device for secure, private internet access. This step-by-step guide makes configuring Android OpenVPN on your phone or tablet easy.

Android OpenVPN Setup - Step 01.

Download the covermevpn’s configuration files that is applicable to your subscription as below links:

  • Dynamic VPN Configuration file.
  • Mini Dynamic VPN Configuration file.
  • For Dedicated VPN unique IP has been sent to you with VPN account details after your payments.
  • Then go to your Downloads folder and unzip the android openVPN

You can do it on any device and finally you can send unzipped. Android openVPN files to your phone memory.

Android OpenVPN Setup

Android OpenVPN Setup - Step 02.

Now you need to install the Android OpenVPN app from google play store. Once installed please open the app. The app will ask you to configure your VPN settings. Please follow the next step.

Android OpenVPN setup

Android OpenVPN Setup - Step 03.

After opening the Android OpenVPN connect app press on the Option button (3 dots). After clicking on ‘3 dots’, a menu will appear. Please follow next step.

Android OpenVPN setup

Android Open VPN Setup - Step 04.

Now press Import. After clicking on Import, the following popup will appear. please follow the next step.

Android OpenVPN setup

Android Open VPN Setup - Step 05.

Choose Import Profile from SD card or where you store Android OpenVPN files. Wait for the process to finish. Once finished, follow the next step.

Android OpenVPN setup

Android Open VPN Setup - Step 06.

Find the folder where you unzipped the android OpenVPN configuration files. Open this folder and select the one of server’s config file you want. Press on Select button.

Android OpenVPN setup

Android Open VPN Setup - Step 07.

Type in your VPN username and password. Press Connect. Your connection should be established in a few seconds. Please follow the next step.

Android OpenVPN setup

Android Open VPN Setup - Step 08.

After clicking on connect, there need a permission. Just press OK in “Permission request box”.

Android OpenVPN setup

Android OpenVPN Setup - Step 09.

You are connected. To disconnect just press on Disconnect button.

Android OpenVPN setup
Download the CoverMeVPN mobile app for iOS or Android.

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