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DD WRT OpenVPN Setup

DD WRT v3 Router OpenVPN Setup

The DD WRT v3 router OpenVPN setup can boost your online privacy and security by making sure all devices on your network have encrypted internet traffic. This guide will show you how to easily set it up with CoverMeVPN so you can bypass geo-restrictions and keep your online activities private.

Router OpenVPN Setup Process

The following is required for covermevpn to work with a DD-WRT router:

Before following this guide, you will need to install DD-WRT on your router. To do this, you will need to go to DD-WRT’s router database and search for your router’s model number to see if your router is compatible or find a beta build for your router. This guide uses KONG’s beta build of DD-WRT v3.0-r31520M on a Netgear R7000.

Important Note: Certain beta builds may not work with OpenVPN. Please read the feedback in the build forum before installing a beta build. Also note, regardless of what model router you have or version of DD-WRT you are installing, there is a chance of bricking your router (i.e. rendering the router completely useless) if the process of putting DD-WRT on the router does not complete properly. Please thoroughly read and follow the related documentation regarding the updating procedure for you router, to minimize the risk of bricking your router.

Router OpenVPN Setup

Initial DD-WRT Setup and Important Notes

Router OpenVPN Setup

Router OpenVPN Setup - Step 01.

Please check and consider the following before setting up your VPN connection in DD-WRT:

  • If you are running a router-behind-router configuration you will want to make sure your DD-WRT router is on a different subnet than any other router/modem on your network. This can be done by going to Setup/Basic Setup tab and changing your Local IP address to ‘’ without quotes.
  • We suggest adding the following static DNS addresses: and, on the basic setup tab
  • Please check to ensure the NTP client is enabled and set to the correct time zone, which can be found at the bottom of the basic setup tab.
Router OpenVPN Setup

Router OpenVPN Setup - Step 02.

Enable Syslogd so you can get logs if you run into any trouble with your setup. You can do this by going to Services tab and scrolling down to System Log, then Enable Syslogd.

Router OpenVPN Setup

Router OpenVPN Setup - Step 03.

To setup the VPN connection on your router, go to the Services/VPN tab, enable the OpenVPN Client, and set the connection up using the following settings:

  • Server IP/Name: Choose a server IP from our servers list (download page) according to your purchased package and enter the address in this field
  • Port: use 1194 or 443
  • Tunnel Device: TUN
  • Tunnel Protocol: use UDP or TCP
  • Encryption Cipher: AES-256-CBC
  • Hash Algorithm: SHA256
  • User Pass Authentication: Enable
  • Username: YourVPNShazam Username
  • Password: Your VPNShazam Password
  • Advanced Options: Enable
  • TLS Cipher: None
  • LZO Compression: Adaptive
  • NAT: Enable
  • Copy and paste the following into your Additional Config:
    • persist-key
    • persist-tun
    • persist-remote-ip
    • keysize 256
    • remote-cert-tls server
  • CA Cert: Copy and paste the certificate in the box.
Router OpenVPN Setup

Router OpenVPN Setup - Step 04.

Once your router has finished booting up, verify you are connected by going to the Status/OpenVPN tab and check the State.

If you have any questions about this guide, please contact support.

Router OpenVPN Setup
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