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DD WRT Router PPTP VPN Setup

The DD-WRT router PPTP VPN setup with CoverMeVPN is a simple way to secure your entire home and office network and access geo-restricted content. This guide will take you through the steps to configure your DD-WRT router with CoverMeVPN using PPTP. Whether you want to protect your online privacy or unblock region-locked content, this setup ensures that all devices on your network benefit from encrypted internet traffic.

Router PPTP VPN Setup - Step 01

Make sure no other VPN settings are enabled… includes getting rid of the startup script and disabling any VPN service enable on your router. Then point your web browser to your DD-WRT Administration Page, which usually by default is – for others who may have changed the default LAN-side router address, the gateway address of the attached network adapter is usually acceptable. If you are having trouble getting to this page, you may need to reset the router to factory default settings. You can do this by holding down the button on the back or bottom of the router for 30 seconds or until the lights flash turn off and back

Router PPTP VPN Setup

Router PPTP VPN Setup - Step 02

Click the ‘Setup’ tab from the navigation area – a username and password prompt will appear. The correct credentials must be entered to continue.

Router PPTP VPN Setup

Router PPTP VPN Setup - Step 03

In the Basic Setup tab change the Connection Type to PPTP from the drop down box. Then select ‘Yes’ for DHCP, fill in a server address desired from our Dynamic VPN and Chines list or Mini Dynamic according to your purchased package, in the ‘Gateway (PPTP Server)’ field. For the ‘User Name’ field enter your VPNShazam username followed by your VPNShazam password in the Password field. Set the ‘Connection Strategy’ to ‘Keep Alive: Redial Period 20 Sec.’ and enable ‘PPTP Encryption. Make sure to disable Packet Reordering which should be disabled by default. If your using a router behind router setup Please make sure to change your routers ‘Local IP Address’ to a different subnet ex. note this will change your DD-WRT’s Administration page IP to or whatever you change it to.

Once your down scroll to the bottom of the page and click the ‘Save’ button and reboot the router by clicking the ‘Administration’ tab at the top scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking the ‘Reboot Router’ button.

Router PPTP VPN Setup

Router PPTP VPN Setup - Step 04

Once the router has rebooted which can take a few minutes login to the DD-WRT Administration page using the IP or if you changed the ‘Local IP Address’ the IP you changed it to (ex. You can view that your connected by going to the ‘Status’ tab and selecting ‘WAN’ sub tab. Once there you will see your Gateway is our servers IP address and the ‘Login Status’ Connected. You should also verify using that your IP address and location has changed. If you run into any issues with the setup please contact our support team for further assistance.

Router PPTP VPN Setup
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