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Types of Malware

Malware is a term that refers to malicious software, which is any program or code that can harm or compromise a laptop system or network. Malware can have several goals, such as stealing data, disrupting operations, extorting money, or spreading to other devices. Understanding the different kinds of malware and how they work is essential for protecting oneself from cyberattacks and minimizing the damage they can cause. The chance panorama is constantly evolving and the full form of malware is rising each day, so consciousness and vigilance are key to staying protected online.

In this article, We will explain malware and types of malware. How to shield yourself from distinctive types of malware attacks

What is malware?

Malware is a word that stands for malicious software. It is any software program that is created through cyber criminals (also known as hackers) to harm, disrupt, or get entry to a pc gadget barring the user’s permission.

Some examples of malware are viruses, spyware, ransomware, and phishing. Malware can come from unique sources, such as opening an e-mail attachment that contains a virus, traveling to a website that downloads spyware, clicking on a fake hyperlink that installs ransomware, exploiting a security flaw in your system, or falling for a phishing scam that steals your personal information.

The most common 15  types of malware

types of malware
15 types of malware


The virus is one of the most common types of malware. A virus is a malicious program that attaches itself to another program or file and executes when that program or file is run. A virus can infect other files on the same computer or spread to other computers through networks, removable media or email attachments. A virus can cause various kinds of damage, such as deleting or corrupting data, displaying unwanted messages, slowing down the system, or taking over the device. For example, the WannaCry virus that infected millions of computers in 2017 encrypted the users’ files and demanded a ransom for their decryption.


Worms are a type of malware that can spread without user interaction. Some examples of worms are Stuxnet, Conficker, and Mydoom. They can infect other computers on the same network or across the internet. Worms can cause damage by consuming bandwidth, deleting files, or installing other malicious software.


One of the most common types of malware is a Trojan, which is a program that pretends to be something useful or harmless but contains malicious code that can perform various actions, such as stealing data, spying on users, deleting files, or installing other malware. Some examples of Trojans are: 

  • Backdoor Trojans, which allow hackers to remotely access and control the infected computer.
  • Ransomware Trojans, which encrypt the user’s files and demand payment to restore them.
  • Rootkit Trojans, which hide themselves and other malware from detection and removal tools.

Trojans are usually spread by tricking users into downloading or opening them from email attachments, websites, or other sources.


Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts the data on a victim’s device or network and demands a ransom for its decryption. Some examples of ransomware are CryptoLocker, WannaCry, Ryuk, and REvil. Ransomware attacks can cause significant damage and disruption to individuals, businesses, and organizations. Some ransomware variants also threaten to expose or delete the data if the ransom is not paid within a certain time frame.


Spyware is a type of malware that secretly collects information about the user’s online activities, such as browsing history, passwords, keystrokes, or personal data. Some examples of spyware are Adware, Keyloggers, Browser Hijackers, and Trojan Horses. Spyware can also change the user’s system settings, display unwanted ads, or redirect the user to malicious websites. Spyware can infect a computer through various methods, such as downloading software from untrusted sources, opening email attachments, or clicking on pop-up windows.


One of the most common types of malware is adware, which displays unwanted advertisements on the user’s screen. Some examples of adware are pop-ups, banners, toolbars, or fake antivirus alerts. Adware can also collect personal information, redirect web searches, or install other malicious programs without the user’s consent.


One type of malware is a keylogger, which is a program that records the keystrokes of a user and sends them to a remote attacker. Keyloggers can be used to steal passwords, credit card numbers, personal information, and other sensitive data. Keyloggers can be installed on a computer through phishing emails, malicious downloads, infected USB drives, or other methods.


One of the most dangerous types of malware is a rootkit. A rootkit is malicious software that hides itself from detection by antivirus programs and other security tools. A rootkit can modify the operating system, install backdoors, steal data, or control other programs. Some examples of rootkits are NTRootkit, ZeroAccess, and Stuxnet. Rootkits are hard to remove and often require a complete reinstallation of the system.


One of the most dangerous types of malware is botnets. Botnets are networks of infected computers that are controlled by a malicious actor, usually without the owners’ knowledge. Botnets can be used to perform various tasks, such as sending spam emails, launching distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, stealing data, or mining cryptocurrencies. Some examples of botnets are Mirai, Emotet, and Trickbot. Botnets can be very hard to detect and remove, as they often use encryption and obfuscation techniques to evade security measures.

Logic Bombs

A logic bomb is a type of malware that lies dormant until a specific condition is met, such as a date, time, or event. When the condition is triggered, the logic bomb executes a malicious action, such as deleting files, corrupting data, or wiping hard drives. Logic bombs can be hidden in viruses, worms, or legitimate programs. They are often used by hackers or disgruntled employees to cause damage or revenge. Some examples of logic bomb attacks are:

  • The Sony BMG copy protection scandal in 2005, where a logic bomb was embedded in music CDs that would install spyware on users’ computers.
  • The Stuxnet worm in 2010, where a logic bomb targeted Iranian nuclear facilities and damaged their uranium centrifuges.

Fileless Malware

Fileless malware is a type of malicious software that does not use any files to infect a computer. Instead, it uses legitimate programs, such as Windows PowerShell, to run malicious code in the computer’s memory. Fileless malware is hard to detect and remove because it leaves no traces on the hard drive. Fileless malware can steal data, sabotage operations, or gain access to other devices on the network. Some examples of file-less malware are Frodo, Few of the Beast, The Dark Avenger, Poweliks, and Duqu 2.0.

Mobile Malware

Mobile malware is a type of malicious software program that pursues cellular gadgets such as smartphones and tablets. Some examples of cellular malware are ransomware, spyware, adware, and trojans. Mobile malware can function in several hazardous actions, such as stealing non-public data, sending unsolicited mail messages, showing undesirable ads, or hijacking the device’s functions. Mobile malware can infect units thru more than a few methods, such as downloading malicious apps, journeying compromised websites, or connecting to unsecured networks.


Scareware is a type of malware that tries to trick customers into shopping for or downloading undesirable or harmful software. For example, scareware may display a faux antivirus program that claims to have detected lots of threats on the user’s machine and urges them to buy a full version to eliminate them. Scareware regularly pretends to be a reliable safety software or a pop-up warning that claims the user’s device is infected or at risk. Scareware may also redirect the user to malicious websites or deploy different malware on the device.

Polymorphic Malware

Polymorphic malware is a type of malicious software program software that adjusts its seem or signature archives to avoid detection via the functionality of protection tools. It can use encryption, compression, file title changes, or other strategies to mutate its code. Polymorphic malware can infect laptop structures with viruses, worms, trojans, ransomware, or one-of-a-kind threats. Some examples of polymorphic malware are WannaCry, a worm that exploits Windows vulnerabilities, and CryptoLocker, a virus that encrypts archives on digital servers.


Backdoors are a type of malware that can pass protection measures and obtain unauthorized get entry to a laptop system, network, or device. Some examples of backdoors are:

  • Hardware backdoors that are embedded in the firmware or chips of devices and can transmit data, furnish faraway get entry to or enable surveillance.
  • Built-in backdoors that are intentionally added through the developers of software or hardware for preservation or troubleshooting purposes, however, can be exploited by using hackers if discovered.

Backdoors can be used to steal data, set up more malware, hijack devices or function different malicious actions.

What is hybrid malware?

A hybrid malware is a type of malware that combines two or extra types of malware in one executable file. Some examples of hybrid malware are Zlob (virus and trojan), Conficker (worm and rootkit), and CryptoLocker (ransomware and trojan). Hybrid malware can be extra tough to notice and do away with than single-type malware.

How to protect yourself from different types of malware attacks?

Types of Malware
Protection against Types of Malware

Malware is a period of malicious software programs that can harm your computer or device. There are extraordinary types of malware, such as ransomware, spyware, adware, trojans, worms, rootkits, keyloggers, bots, wipers, file-less malware, common sense bombs, and cell malware. Each type of malware has a one-of-a-kind way of infecting your system and stealing your data, disrupting your operations, or unfavorable to your files.

For example, ransomware locks your statistics till you pay a ransom, adware video display units your online endeavor without your consent, and file-less malware hides in reliable gadget files to avoid detection. To guard yourself against malware attacks, you should use reliable antivirus software, avoid clicking on suspicious links or attachments, update your machine regularly, and back up your essential data.


In this article, we have blanketed 15 types of malware that can compromise your devices and data. These consist of viruses, worms, trojans, ransomware, spyware, adware, rootkits, keyloggers, bots, backdoors, common sense bombs, rogue protection software, browser hijackers, crypto jackets, and file-less malware. As cyber threats evolve and come to be extra sophisticated, it is crucial to take proactive measures to defend yourself and your organization from malicious attacks. This consists of the use of antivirus software, updating your structures regularly, warding off suspicious hyperlinks and attachments, backing up your data, and teaching yourself the contemporary trends and fine practices in cybersecurity. By staying informed and vigilant, you can minimize the risk of falling sufferer to malware and keep your digital property safe and secure.


15 types of malwaremalwaretype of malwaretypes of malware

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